Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

I'm drifting away from recipe's today even though as I write my post, I am waiting for my homemade loaf of bread and rolls to rise before baking them in the oven. I hope the bread turns out half as yummy as the bread my mom makes!

I made a baby quilt this week for our new next door neighbors. They are having their baby on Monday, July 6. Her bedroom has some of the colors that I put in the quilt, so I hope everyone loves the quilt as much as I do! Here are a couple of pictures. It measures around 38" square.


  1. i love that blanket so so much! What part of texas r u from?

  2. this is gorgeous susan!!! you did a great job! :)

  3. Wow... Awesome quilt! Wish I had the patience! (and a bit more skill would help!)

    Great job Susan!
